What is Web3 | Understand The Background Of Web 3.0 Now

What is Web3 | Understand The Background Of Web 3.0 Now

Web 3.0, also known as Web3, has been on trend for many days. People are searching for the web 3.0. As we are at the peak of a new phase of web evolution which is Web 3.0.


what is web 3.0


Web 3.0

The Internet we use today is not what it was many years ago, and the Internet is constantly changing.


If you are looking for what Web 3.0 is and how it affects our online lives, you have come to the right place.


Internet become the part of our daily life. You should know its next development direction and why this is important .


Before we know about Web 3.0, we need to know about what is Web 2.0 and 1.0. thus, the question arises in our minds what is Web 2.0 and Web 1.0.


What is Web 2.0 and Web 1.0?


We use Web 2.0 today, and we used Web 1.0 in the 1990s. We have all the information about Web 2.0 and 1.0. After 2000 we started using Web2.0.


What is Web 1.0?


The introduction of web browsers such as Netscape Navigator marked the beginning of the Web 1.0. The time period of the Web 1.0 was 1989 to 2005.  It is known as the static web.


Before this Berners-Lee was one of the forerunner of the Internet in 1990. In October 1990, Berners-Lee introduced three technologies which become the base of the today internet. He was the person who created the first web page.


The tree technologies which are fundamental of today internet are:


HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)

URL (Uniform Resource Identifier)

HTTP( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)


In Web 1.0, there was very little information on the Internet, but a large number of Internet users. There are few developers of Web 1.0 who was creating the content of the web.It is said that it is a read-only Internet.


What is Web 2.0?


Web 2.0 is a revolutionary idea of the Internet since 2005. Web 2.0 change the way you use the Internet before. All the web pages of Web 1.0 are replaced by the Web 2.0.  Web 2.0 is known as the social Web.


The development of the new technologies like HTML, CSS, JAVA Script and WWW (World Wide Web) are the backbone of the Web 2.0.


In Web 2.0, the user is allowed to create content and other people can see it from anywhere in the world via the Internet. In this type of web version tech giants and other companies are providing services to the people in the place of their personal data.


Web 2.0 will be available to everyone once the mobile phone has Internet access. The social media is very popular on the web 2.0. Many applications are developed by Internet-managed developers for Web 2.0 centralized Android and iOS.


Web 3.0 has the ability to provide more services to users in addition to social media, streaming and online shopping.


Web 2.0 makes mobile internet, social media and cloud computing available to everyone. After the release of the iPhone and Android phones, the Internet became popular.


This allows many users to access social networks, blogs, shared sites, and more. allowed to participate in the creation of content.


Web 3.0 or Web3


In web 2.0, a few technology giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and Microsoft dominate the Internet. It can be said that they are controlling the entire Internet. Therefore, a decentralized network is needed, without dominant authority and autonomy.


Web 3.0 representing the web sequences after the web 1.0 and 2.0. These are the version of the internet on which we are visiting the sites and using social media. We are using the Web 2.0 which is the current version of the Internet. We all are very well familiar with this version of the internet.  


Web 3.0 represents the next stage of the internet in its decentralization, transparency and utility. It is known as the semantic or decentralized web.


Web 3.0 far surpassed the concept of the traditional internet formulated by Tim Berners-Lee in 2001.


Web 3.0 has gone far beyond the original concept of the Semantic Web proposed by Berners-Lee in 2001  


In web 2.0, information is stored in a server, and access to information requires a website address. This is based on the HTTP protocol. Web 3.0 is content-oriented and the information is distributed on different servers and in different places over the Internet.This is the reason which make the web 3.0 decentralized.


The application on the web 3.0 uses the blockchain technology and known as Dapps.


Internet 3.0 does not require an intermediate body or organization. You do not need permission from any authority to use the Internet.



What is Web 3.0?


Web 3.0 is an Internet based on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). it will be the future of the Internet with characteristics such as decentralization, open source and easy access.  


Web 3.0 is the next stage in the evolution of the web, which processes information with human-friendly intelligence through the power of AI systems that make the Internet more intelligent or can launch smart applications to help users.


This will enable the intelligent creation and direct distribution of highly customized content to every Internet consumer.


Obviously, Internet 3.0 is an update to its previous web versions 1.0 and 2.0.


Properties of the Web 3.0


Artificial Intelligence

Semantic Web

3D Graphics



Advantages of Web 3.0


The network itself allows participants to interact openly or privately without a trusted third party.


No one can stop you from accessing the service.As they are open and accessible open source software developed by the developers association and implemented worldwide.


Payment types in the Web 3.0 will be the cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or etherium.


Anyone, users or provider, may participate without the permission of the governing body. Which means anyone on the network has access to the service, or in other words, no permission is required.


Web 2.0 is mobile, social, and cloud-driven, Web 3.0 is built primarily on these technologies decentralized data networks, cloud computing, Machine Learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).


Web 3.0 makes our data secure and we can fully manage our data. The user has full control over their data.


Web 3.0 maintains user privacy because it is a decentralized Internet.


Web 3.0 allows users to seamlessly connect to data, assets and other partners on peer-to-peer networks without the need governing body.


Web3 is autonomous, intelligent and transparent.


The general requirement for Web 3.0 is the ability to collect large amounts of information and turn it into useful and accurate knowledge for users.


Difference between Web 2.0 and 3.0


              WEB 2.0

               WEB 3.0

You need the permission to use the services from the service provider to access the internet.

You need not to take permission from the service provider to access the internet.

Companies which are service provider can sensor you from using the services.

But in web 3.0 no one can sensor you from using the services.

Here you need to upload your personal data to make a payment.

You need not to upload your personal data to make a payment.

Currencies and cryptocurrency are the methods of payment.

Only cryptocurrency is the method of payment.

Few tech giants and companies are dominating the internet.

No one will dominate the internet.

It is centralized internet.

It is decentralized version of the internet. Based on the blockchain.

Is is called as the social web.

It is called as semantic web.

Less accurate.

More accurate.

Security of the internet is week.

More secure.

You don’t have control over your personal data.

It provide personalized browsing.

Use centralized apps.

Use daaps.

Using old internet protocol.

Using crypto protocol.

Web 2.0 is reality today.

Web 3.0 has not yet become a reality.




The Internet can be said to be the most important technological revolution in human history.

Several early-stage Web 3.0 applications are already available, but it is not possible to see their true potential until the new Internet is fully integrated into the web infrastructure. Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain are the best example of the Web 3.0.


The technology will run with Web 2.0, rather than completely replace it.




Who was the inventor of the Web 1.0 and 2.0?

Jeffrey Zeldman, one of the first developers of Web 1.0 and 2.0.


What is Web 3.0 and its examples?

Web 3.0 is the next generation of internet. IoTs Devices and artificial intelligence product are the example of the web 3.0.


What is Web 3.0 also known as?

Web 3.0 is also known as the decentralized internet or Semantic web.


What is Web 2.0 called?

Web 2.0 is called as social web.


Who is the creator of the internet?

Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist is the creator of the internet.

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