What is Cloud Gaming | Future of Cloud Gaming and How it is Changing the Way of Gaming

What is Cloud Gaming | Future of Cloud Gaming and How it is Changing the Way of Gaming

What is cloud gaming?

In today’s world, we see all the services available online and you can use them from remote locations. You can easily access them without having them on your computer. This type of service is known as cloud computing

You can use computer resources and infrastructure to play games also. Playing games from a remote location without having them on your computer is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing is now in the mainstream.

In this article, we will discuss: what is cloud computing, how cloud gaming works, and how to play a cloud-based game on your PC and Cloud Gaming platforms.

What is cloud computing?

As the name suggests cloud gaming is a method of playing games online without having them installed on your pc. You need not install them on your computer to play with them. You can play them with the least resources. They do not consume your caomputer resources.

You only need a fast and reliable internet connection to play Cloud computing. In the game you play on the cloud you can enjoy the game like it is running on your PC but it is not. That means you need not have the high-end graphics card and processing power to play such type of game. It provides a play station experience.

This makes cloud gaming more interesting and gives better performance and experience to the user without using any local resources.

How does cloud gaming work?

You may be pleased by knowing that cloud gaming works as cloud computing works. As in cloud computing, we use the remote resoureses and infrastructure to use the services given by that particular cloud provider. Same in the case of cloud gaming we utilize the platform and the resources given by the cloud gaming server.

To play cloud gaming you need to select first a cloud gaming platform it is as you select a video streaming platform for you. You can choose any platform like GeForce Now, Google Stadia, Xbox Game Pass, or Play Station Now. 

All the above platforms are subscription-based cloud computing platfrorm which means you need to pay monthly or yearly to play games. 

The Cloud gaming platform will provide a dedicated app or a web-based app to play games on your devices.

How to play a Cloud Game?

Cloud gaming is compatible with all devices. You can play it on any device which needs minimum system requirements. 

To play a cloud game you need to follow these simple steps:

First buy a subscription on a cloud gaming platform like xbox, stadia, and Geforce. 

Download the app according to your OS. You can also open a web app to play games. 

If you have a console then you need to set up your console.

Why are cloud games becoming popular now?

As you have seen that cloud gaming is getting popular nowadays it is just because of the reach of the user to a high-end infrastructure required for gaming. You do not need to have a high-end system to render high graphics games or videos on your devices. Cloud gaming make the user a great experience of gaming and streaming.

As cloud gaming is part of the fastest growing industries so cloud gaming is also getting popularity worldwide. 

Benefits of Cloud Gaming

Cloud gaming has lots of benefits over traditional gameplay. Most of the users are sifting toward cloud gaming. these are some significant benefits of cloud gaming:

You no need to have a high-end device to play a high-end game.

No need for component upgradation.

No worry about the shortage of storage.

Low latency.

Low power consumption. 

More reliable and price efficient.

when did cloud gaming start?

Cloud gaming started in 2000 and it is keep growing since that time and the technology is upgrading too. The first cloud gaming service provider was onlive. Which was supported on windows and Mac also. 

Today there are lots of companies that are providing cloud gaming on their platforms. 

Why cloud gaming is the future

Cloud gaming brings tha all gamers to a platform whether they are playing the games on smartphones, smart TVs, laptops, or PC and consoles. Cloud gaming provides more flexibility to its users. 

It has had exponential growth in recent years and it is keep on growing so we can say that cloud gaming has a bright future. 

With the help of cloud gaming, all the users from different places can access the same hardware and can experience the same performance. 

Cloud Gaming Companies

There are the top three companies that are providing the cloud gaming platform to play online games. 

Microsoft Xbox 

Nvidia Geforce

Google Stadia


Can cloud games be hacked?

Yes, there are huge possibilities of being hacked. But the companies which are providing the cloud-based platform provide you with the most secure platform.

Can cloud games be played offline?

you can play a cloud game offline but you need to save the game locally before going offline.

Does cloud gaming use a lot of data?

Games you play on the cloud or online consume a lot of data. These games may consume up to 3GB of data per hour.

Will cloud gaming replace consoles?

As Consoles provide a better experience to gamers. but cloud gaming is the alternative to the console.

Does cloud gaming work on an iphone?

Most of the companies provide iOS-compatible cloud gaming platforms. So you can easily play cloud games on your iPhone.

Is cloud gaming free?

To play a cloud game is free but you need to purchase a subscription to cloud gaming platforms like GeForce, Stadia, or Xbox.

Which cloud gaming service is available in the USA?

There are many cloud gaming services available in the USA like Amazon Luna, Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox, and Nvidia GeForce. You can subscrible any of them to play a cloud game in the USA.

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