Tech Jankariyan

What is Bitcoin Mining? | How does Bitcoin Mining Work?

When the word mining enters our minds, we think of mining metals inside the earth. But in the case of Bitcoin mining, you don’t need to mine the earth. You only need to understand Bitcoin mining, how it works, and the requirements for Bitcoin mining. Mining metals from the earth and mining bitcoins are different from each other,…

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What is EV (Electric Vehicle)? | What is Electric Vehicle Technology?

In this article you will find the knowledge about What is EV (Electric Vehicle), Types of Electric Vehicles (EV), How does an Electric Vehicle Work, The main components of  electric vehicles,Advantages of the Electric Vehicle (EV) What is EV (Electric Vehicle)?  If we think of a car running on an internal combustion engine, but thinking that it is a car…

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What is Quantum Computing? | What is Quantum Computer and How does it Work?

Quantum Computing – need of a Quantum Computer, Quantum Computer use case, How does compuig work, Differece between Quantum Computer and Classical Computer and the process of Quantm Computing. Since the past ten years, the quantum computing revolution has been around us. Researchers are working on quantum computers. After Google announced that they were making quantum computers,…

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What is NFTs | How Does NFTs Work?

NFTs? What is NFTs, How does NFTs works, what does NFTs mean, NFTs example, Properties of NFTs, how to create NFTs, risk involved in NFTs and what is the difference between NFTs and cryptocurrency.   You can read the news about NFT about someone selling a picture and tweeting for a million dollars and becoming a millionaire….

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