How to create a Google Forms | How to use Google Forms in 2021?

How to create a Google Forms | How to use Google Forms in 2021?


What is Google Forms 

Google Forms, Google Docs, Google  Sheets and Slides are the complete suit for you daily work form home.

Google Forms is one of the best free tools you can use, whether you are collecting customer feedback or applying for vacancies.

Google Forms is widely use Google products, such as Google Sheets, so you understand all the data collected. It also works well with other google products.

if you are unfamiliar with Google Forms or wants to know about Google Forms than you are at right place.

We tested all the features, tools, and functions of Google Forms, after reading this article or during the reading of article you can easily make any form in few minutes.

Google Forms Interface:

When you need to collect data Google form will be best tool for you. First, let’s take a look on the interface of the Google Forms.

Google Forms Interface

What are the uses of Google Forms?

With Google Forms, you can create various forms by using Google Forms:

  • Contact information
  • RSVP
  • Party Invite
  • T-Shirt Sign Up
  • Event Registration
  • Event feedback
  • Order Form
  • Job Application
  • Time Off Request
  • Work request
  • Customer Feedback
  • Blank Quiz
  • Exit Ticket
  • Assessment
  • Worksheet
  • Course Evaluation


templates of Google Forms


These are the most popular templates of Google Forms. You can utilize these templates according to your work. You can also customize them according to your work or choice.


How to use Google Forms? |Simple steps to use Google Forms :


Step 1: Open  website on your browser. Which is the official website of Google forms.


Step 2: Choose Google Forms there. If not selected.

Choose Google Forms

Step 3: Sign in, using your Gmail. If you don’t have a Gmail account than create a Gmail account first.

Choose Google Forms

Step 4: Choose a blank form or template of your choice.

blank google forms

Step 5: Give a suitable title to your Google forms.

suitable title to your Google forms

Step 6: Give a brief description of your Google form.


brief description of your Google form

Step 7: Complete your form.

Step 8: Send your form to your audience to fill out.

Step 9: collect there responses.


Example of Google Forms:

Blank Google Form: Lets create a Blank Google form:

Click the Blank to get a blank form, so you can edit the form very easily.

blank google form


Give a suitable Tittle to Your Forms:

blank google form

Click on the Untitled form, Give a name to your form.

Give a brief description for your form:


brief description

Click in Form Description and type a description for your form. Define the purpose of your form.

Type a Question to your form:

Type a Question

Click on United Question and Write down the questions you want answered.

Add option to your form:

Click on the “add ‘other'”

"add 'other'"


MCQ based question can be asked in google forms. You can also give option to your audience in the forms of check boxes, dropdown and Upload file etc. Or you can also get answer in paragraph type.


Types in which you can get answer from your audience:


get answer from


  •     Short Answer
  •     Paragraph
  •     Multiple Choice
  •     Check box
  •     Drop down
  •     File upload
  •     Linear scale
  •     Multiple Choice Grid
  •     Check Box Grid
  •     Date
  •     Time

 How to add more question in Google Forms?

If you wants to ask more than one question to your audience, you need to add other question in your Google Forms.

To add a question click on the + button on the write side of the forms. 

click on the + button

And write the questions you want answered.

questions you want answered


How to Add Image in your Google forms?

Click  on the Image Icon Button on the Form.

Image Icon Button


You can upload a image from your computer, or directly click a picture from your camera, from your photo collection, from Google Drive and directly upload from the Google image search.

image from your computer


Select a Image and Click on the Insert.


Select a Image


Your image will upload and give a tittle to the image.

image will upload and give a tittle


How to upload Video on Google Form ?

Click  on the Video Icon Button on the Form. 

Video Icon Button


You can upload video by searching on Youtube. Or you can directly place video URL.


video by searching


Select a video.


Click on the select button.


select button.


Your video will upload and give a tittle to the uploaded video.



video will upload and give a tittle

How to add a section on Google Form?

Click on the Add Section Button.


Add Section Button


Immediately a section will add.


section will add


How to Customize Theme of Google Form?

Click on the customize theme icon.

Customize Theme of Google Form


You can customize these things there, according to you choice in you wants.


themes option


  • Header image
  • Theme Color
  • Background Color
  • Font Size


How to send Google Forms?

Click on the Send Button.


Send Button.



You can send your google form via


send your google form via


  • Email
  • Direct link
  • Facebook
  • Twitter


How to send Google From through Email?

First click on the Send Button.

Send Button

Click on the Email Icon.

Email Icon

Write down the email address of the person whom you want to send.

Write down the email address

Write Subject of the Form or Form name.

Subject of the Form or Form name

Write a message if you want to write.



If you wants to collect Email, tick on check box.

collect Email

If you want to Include the form in Email than tick on the check box.

Include the form

At last click on the send button.


send button

How to post Google Form on Facebook?

First click on the Send Button.

Send Button

Click on the Facebook icon.

Facebook icon

Login to your Facebook Account.


Login to your Facebook Account

Post it on your Feed on Facebook.

How post Google Form on Twitter?

First click on the Send Button.

Send Button.

Click on the Twitter icon.

Twitter icon

Login to your Twitter account.

Login to your Twitter account.

Tweet it on Twitter.


How to create a Link of Google Form?

Click on the Send Button.

Send Button

Select Link icon on Send Via list.

Link icon on Send

If you wants to shorten your URL tick the check box first than click on copy button.

shorten your URL

Click on Copy Button.

Copy Button



How to get embed HTML for your Google form?

Click on the Send Button.

Send Button

Click on the  <>  Icon.

<>  Icon

Set Width and Height as you want.

Width and Height as you want.


Click on copy button.

copy button

Past this code on you HTML File.



How to check Response in Google Form?

After successfully creation of your Google Forms you can easily check responses on your form.


Open your form.

Response in Google Form

Click on the Responses.






How to Customize the settings of Google Form?

All settings are up to you.

Click on the Settings Icon.

Settings Icon

Settings window will open.


General Settings


General Settings


If you want to Collect Email tick the first box.

To provide Respond Receipts tick on the second box and choose the one of the two options

To limit your response tick on the check box.

If you want to Edit After Submit tick on the check box.

Wants to see summery charts ans text response tick on the check box.


Presentation Setting


Presentation Setting


If you want to show progress bar, or wants to shuffle question order and wants a link to show another response in your Google Form than tick the check box.


You can also give a conformation message to your audience.


Quizzes Settings


Quizzes Settings


This is the useful settings if you wants to use your Google Form as a quiz.

Enable the Make this a quiz ON.

Select Quiz Options according to your choice.

Control the Release Grade and respondent can see list


After changing Settings don’t forget to save it.


How to preview Google Form?

It is simple step, simply click on the Preview Button.


Preview Button

How to print Google Form?

Printing of Google form is very easy. But before printing it you need to save it on your PC or mobile.

Just click on the three dots on the top right corner of the  Google Form.

three dots

Than click on the Print Icon.

Print Icon.

Click on the save button and Select the Destination in which you want to save it.

Select the Destination

Open it and then give a printing command to your printer.



I’m pretty sure you can easily create Google Forms now. All your questions will definitely be eliminated in this article, and you will get all the answers. If you need any help creating a Google Form, you can leave a comment in the comments section. I will definitely reply to your comments and help you.


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