Tech Jankariyan
What is Chat GPT and Why it is so Popular?

What is Chat GPT and Why it is so Popular?

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the world in many ways, and chatbots are one of the most significant developments in this regard. Chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide an efficient way to automate conversations and offer personalized customer support. However, not all chatbots are created equal, and some are…

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Altcoin Understanding Alternative Cryptocurrencies

Altcoin: Understanding Alternative Cryptocurrencies

Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrency has come a long way. Today, thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies offer many features and use cases similar to Bitcoin. In this article, we explore what an altcoin is, how it works, and its potential impact on the financial world. What is Altcoin? Altcoin is used to describe any cryptocurrency…

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What is Crypto Exchange and How Does it Work

In recent years various terms are in trends like bitcoin, Ethereum, dogecoin, cryptocurrency, crypto, and crypto exchange. A crypto exchange is one of them. As the name suggests that it is an exchange of crypto or cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency exchange is the backbone of the cryptocurrency industry. In this article, we will discuss what is crypto exchange…

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Organoid Intelligence

Organoid Intelligence: Next Big Thing

You very well know Artificial Intelligence and its impact on humans. But have you ever heard of OI which means Organoid Intelligence? This new technology is going to be the next big thing of this decade. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University recently coined a new technology that is called Organoid intelligence which will help us to create…

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