Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake in Cryptocurrency

Proof of work and proof of stake are the two most popular ways of processing cryptocurrency transactions.

Most of the established cryptocurrencies on the market use either proof of work or proof of stake. 

The most established proof-of-work cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, while the preeminent proof-of-stake asset is Ethereum.

The main difference between proof of work and proof of stake is that proof of stake relies on staking, while proof of work relies on mining.

Supporters of proof-of-work cryptocurrencies argue that their methods are straightforward and time-tested.

According to an analysis by the University of Cambridge, only Bitcoin now uses as much energy as some average countries.

If you have any proof-of-concept cryptocurrency, you can participate in a number of ways. For example, you can be a validator and collect blocks of transactions to send to the network.

Which is better: Proof of stake or proof of work?

Proof of stake and proof of work each have their place in the cryptocurrency world. Although people have argued about their relative merits for years, there is no clear consensus on which is better.

Most of the new generation altcoins released after Bitcoin use proof of stake and have operated with relative stability and low environmental costs.